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Economics & Civics lesson for Fox listeners


Since many readers of the Independent last went to school say 40 to 60 years ago, it seemed like a good time to have a review on economics and civics.

Since Fox was critical of Biden and gas prices, let’s review that gas prices were higher during GWB years when adjusted for inflation. Now for the lesson, the president of the USA does not nor has ever controlled gas prices except in a time of war.

Our country is a free market economy and prices are based on supply and demand and even corporate greed. Biden took years of abuse for high gas prices then should he not be praised for the now lower gas prices?

Supply shortages, the president of the USA does not control how fast manufacturing produces things especially when produced overseas.

Last year we learned Biden failed America when we had a baby formula shortage. In all my 76 years, I thought the president had enough to worry about with foreign and domestic issues, only to learn that the president now has to manage baby formulas.

Many have complained about high interest rates of late, obviously not noticing if you were not buying anything, high interest were going to pay you more money on your savings. Please note in the Independent paper CD rates at 5.25%

We know that government spending is a factor in inflation but failed to note giving people tax cuts also put more money into the economy and thus a factor in inflation.

Trump was no more to blame for the toilet paper shortage than Biden was to blame for egg prices. You see these things are not controlled by the president.

Now for the civics lesson. Boxes of fake ballots will not be counted in elections. Each ballot has to be from a “registered” voter and if a ballot has a name of a non-registered voter or from a voter whose name was used twice, that ballot is rejected until that is cleared up.

State presidential electors cannot just appoint themselves as state electors and change election results.

It is not the job of our court system to find election fraud. The court system is designed to rule on evidence presented to it. So, if you believe there is election fraud then you must produce evidence that it happened.

Socialism is not necessarily bad or good. Social Security, Medicare, police and fire departments, public parks, public schools and highways and farm subsidies are all examples of socialism.

So this ends today’s lesson on economics and civics. If you want facts do not sit in front of the TV and expect to get them. Quit being lazy and do some research.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.