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Novess: Response to Andrews' opinion


Rich Andrews states that somehow the sun and the wind are unreliable, renewable energy sources, while shutting down access to our domestic oil reserves.

President Biden and the United States are producing more oil and natural gas than any president before him. The market is dictating energy sources. Our enemies seem to support Trump and his base over President Biden.

Rich says China supplies the lion’s share of wind and solar equipment, but that can be manufactured here just like the chips and science act that is bringing chip manufacturing back to the United States.

When the Saudis cut oil production to get a higher price, American oil companies make more money — that’s the problem, it’s called the market. Companies that need uranium for nuclear plants can use other sources. The Democratic world respects Joe Biden and his decency.

If the United States is going to compete with China and the rest of the world, they need to start educating and quit attacking our education system.

It’s not President Biden’s fault that Arizona has one of the lowest average teacher salaries in the nation.

Companies do not go to China anymore for cheap labor, they go for well-educated, trained employees.
Do we want to compete with the world? Up our education game.

Doug Novess
Sun City
