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Olic: The Axon development proposal does not benefit the people of Scottsdale


I moved here from New York City because I appreciated the lifestyle and character of the city of Scottsdale, which spoke to the responsible planning that has allowed the city to grow in a measured and calculated way — and thrive.

Now comes the Axon development plan, which is proposed for 32 acres immediately north of my single-family home community. The Axon proposal, which includes 1,975 apartments, a 425-room hotel and other commercial spaces, should not have been considered from the moment it was filed. 

I bought my home here for a lifestyle better than the busy, cramped, noisy and extremely dense east coast community where I lived. Axon’s development plan signifies a huge shift away from the current suburban Scottsdale landscape. Do we want Scottsdale to become more crammed like east coast cities or crowded urban communities like LA and Chicago? 

Most homeowners here in Scottsdale would agree that pushing the envelope toward a heavily urban environment is not desirable. But the Axon proposal represents that very thing — a move toward very dense development that will impact all of us negatively: more noise, more traffic, more water consumption, less open space.

When Axon representatives speak publicly about this proposal, their language is all about how good it will be for the company. Never do they state what the public benefits of this plan would be. That’s because there aren’t any.

I am asking our city officials to reject this irresponsible Axon development request. I urge them to focus on what is best for not just one company but for the city, its residents – and voters.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.