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Sorensen: Gathering was about showing support


Responding to Mr. Vander Mate’s article as published (“SCW gathering had only one side of issue,” Sun City West Independent, July 1, 2020), I can’t help but think he does not fully grasp the word, ridicule. The SCW/SC Democrats were demonstrating in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Period. Throwing all of us into a nice preconceived opinion of his choosing, his lack of understanding and knowledge shows this most clearly. Did he stop to ask what we were doing? Inquire as to what we hoped to accomplish? He did not say. His assumption, using ridicule, was to “whitespain” his opinion. Fair point. He clearly believes that he found it “enlightening” that Democrats ridicule anyone who disagrees with them. Really?

Please point to the exact sign that produced this ridicule. Is it your opinion that Black lives don’t matter? As for racism being alive and well in SCW, please join us next time and listen to those who drove by and issued the most vile racist insults toward us as we stood, peacefully.

As for your observations as to the need to address other issues, yes, there is a need. This demonstration was for a specific issue, although please feel free to join us next time, and bring a sign should you wish to highlight another issue you described.

R.P. Sorensen

Sun City West