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Slade: Club, IRS issue shines poorly on Sun City West


Once again, Recreation Centers of Sun City West management along with the overpaid legal and financial consultants hired by the management has shown they appear to be incompetent.

I am referring to the fiasco with the Internal Revenue Service over how and when clubs can collect fees for activities, do advertising, sell handmade items, etc. How is it that the general manager and chief financial officer, along with all their legal and financial consultants, did not know these IRS rules and give appropriate guidance to the clubs and associated activities?

Bill Schwind has been general manager for a while now. He cannot say he has not had time to investigate such matters. The only excuse is incompetence in the performance of his duties and responsibilities to the community; including making sure that the legal and financial consultants are doing their job. Schwind is ultimately responsible for the legal operation of all activity at RCSCW. This outrageous continuing mistake by Schwind, et. al.  should not be tolerated by the residents of Sun City West. RCSCW collects huge fees from residents and has obviously retained incompetent and/or complacent legal and financial consultants.

This is the second time in recent memory that RCSCW is in hot water with federal officials. Recall last year the $2.25 million PPP loan that had to be returned because RCSCW was not legally eligible for the funding. How could the management of RCSCW commit such an error? 

The Governing Board should immediately do the following — demand the resignation of Bill Schwind and the CFO; fire all legal and financial firms associated with RCSCW and its operations, if fines are levied against RCSCW legal action should be commenced against the firms responsible for not bringing these matters to the attention of RCSCW management; hire an experienced nonprofit management team to do a complete financial and procedures audit of all operations within RCSCW; and do an annual compliance audit to assure that RCSCW and all clubs and organizations are following applicable rules and regulations.

It should be obvious even to the typically disinterested resident of Sun City West that it’s time to clean house!

All reading this letter should write to the RCSCW Governing Board and demand these actions be taken immediately. 

Tom Slade

Sun City West