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Enroth: Diverse culture brings new phrases, outlooks


This is in response to Norman Webb’s letter (“Do not force your opinions on others,” Sun City West Independent, Jan. 6, 2021).

I read your response to a previous letter about the use of the term Happy Holidays. As I read it, I detected by your use of certain wording — dictate to, offend others, do not care if it insults others — what I believe to be not only hostility, but more importantly a misunderstanding of why this term is used in our modern day society.

As our American culture has become more diverse, we as a society have become more aware of other religious holidays that coincide with the Christian Christmas holiday season — Hanukkah and Kwanzaa being among them. The use of the term “Happy Holidays” is a way of celebrating, honoring and respecting all cultures’ religious practices that happen to fall within the “Christmas” season, and saying Happy Holidays is rightly inclusive of others.

No one is forcing anyone to say Happy Holidays, nor should it offend someone when someone says it instead of saying Merry Christmas. As well, greeting someone with Merry Christmas is OK, too — it tells others what you believe in and celebrate.

I have read so many articles and listened to people complain about, and expound their unfounded need to defend their position this subject. What is called for here is an open mind and open heart.

Carrie Enroth

Sun City West