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Sturgeon: A historic perspective to Klapp’s support of 'Dark Money'


Editor's Note: Independent Newsmedia reached out to Ms. Klapp regarding the claims made by Ms. Sturgeon. We  have removed Ms. Klapp's comments while we provide time for vetting.  (4:40 p.m. June 24) 

Suzanne Klapp, mayoral candidate, would like you to believe that she stands for openness, transparency and accountability.

That is a far cry from her involvement in the 2014 independent expenditure campaign involving Scottsdale Strong and Scottsdale United.

Suzanne Klapp was the mastermind and chief fundraiser for that dark money campaign.

The Citizen’s United court ruling in 2010 allowed corporations to make contributions to independent expenditure campaigns.

So, in April 2014, Scottsdale Strong, Inc was incorporated as a non-profit in Arizona. It was the sole contributor to the political committee Scottsdale United.

Scottsdale United spent nearly $100,000 to support and oppose candidates in the 2014 City Council election.

As a non-profit corporation, Scottsdale Strong was not required to reveal the sources of its money. The identity of all the donors was hidden.

Her name wasn’t on any paperwork, but I personally observed Suzanne turning over checks payable to Scottsdale Strong. In those days I had the great privilege of working for and learning from Judy Eisenhower.

Judy was the treasurer for Scottsdale Strong and I assisted her with making deposits. Judy shared with me that she regretted saying yes to the role but felt she owed it to so many political colleagues.

In watching recent discussions, I was surprised at Klapp’s attempt to make it appear that she supported limiting campaign contributions when she had previously lead a dark money campaign. It appears that Klapp is supportive of whatever serves her in the moment.

Klapp isn’t the kind of person who should be the next mayor of Scottsdale.

Editor’s Note: Paula Sturgeon is a 50+ year resident of Scottsdale and former co-chair of the successful For The Best Scottsdale bond campaign committee.