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The Peoria Independent has been bringing readers everything they need to know about living and playing in Peoria since 1999.

Peoria spans from south of Grand Avenue to the far north encompassing much of Lake Pleasant Regional Park. The city is known for its recreational amenities, open space and hiking ranges.

Peoria hosts spring training for more than 20 years where the Seattle Mariners and San Diego Padres call the Peoria Sports Complex home. The P83 area surrounding the baseball facility sports restaurants, entertainment venues and a movie theater. Just a few miles south of the P83 location sits Park West, an entertainment district of upper scale dining, including the well-known Fleming’s Steakhouse.

Peoria continues to make Arizona’s fast-growing cities list with a strong mix of demographics from families, empty nesters and retirees.

The Peoria Today merged with the Peoria Independent in July of 2016. It was rebranded to the Peoria Independent July 1, 2019. It is distributed free on Wednesdays to 21,000 driveways and bulk drops throughout the city.

Editorial coverage focuses on hyper-local news, including neighborhood issues, schools, city government and the myriad events and activities that make Peoria unique.

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